Trace the origins of your milk

Traceability is not only the ability to trace your milk all the way back to its roots, it is also a meeting with Saguenay―Lac-Saint-Jean milk producers. Follow the path and discover where the milk in your fridge comes from.


It all starts with Saguenay―Lac-Saint-Jean farmers who have made a commitment to the Pacte agricole durable Nutrinor (PADN) – Nutrinor Sustainable Agriculture Pact

The commitment of Nutrinor producer members towards sustainable agriculture is the foundation of our Pact. What does this agreement mean? It is a formal and joint engagement to mutual assistance, as formulated between the cooperative and its producers, with the aim of making farming practices more sustainable. The Pact features the following: economic viability, social justice, environmental performance, and animal welfare. For example, we work alongside farmers in an effort to reduce their carbon footprint and improve biodiversity on their lands.

Meet some of our producers, their passion and commitment towards sustainable agriculture


Every day, Nutrinor producer members make concerted efforts to ensure the wellbeing of their herds, and to meet the highest milk standards

These producers love their cows! Most of their feed is produced regionally, in Saguenay―Lac-Saint-Jean. Moreover, on several farms, the cows can roam freely, while others have daily outdoor jaunts; a concrete example of the Pact’s benefits.


From the farms to our milk processing facility

We know exactly which farms our milk comes from, every single day. The next steps simply involve packaging the milk at our processing plant, located in the City of Alma, and forwarding the finished products to your neighbourhood grocers, ready for your shopping cart.


And now, let’s find out where your milk was produced

All you need is the expiry date stamped on your milk carton. Enter it in the space below and that’s it. You will discover the farms and producers who supply the milk on your table, as well as other relevant information about its journey from the farm to your home.

Enter the following information to find out where your milk comes from

Expiration date

Ask your questions to our producers

Your questions about Nutrinor dairy product traceability

What is the expiration date?

Date by which the product should be stored if kept under suitable conditions (between 1 ° C and 4 ° C). This date is written at the top of the container of the dairy product.

What is traceability?

Traceability is the information that allows the movement and flow of milk to be followed through the stages of production. Thus, traceability gives you the opportunity to discover the farms where the milk in your container comes from. By providing the information on the packaging, you will find the dates of milking, farm picking and bottling by our cooperative. It offers a security element allowing better protection for you, consumers! It therefore allows you to trace dairy products from farm to table and obtain additional information on the product you are consuming.