What is lactose?
Lactose is a type of sugar naturally found in milk products. The digestive enzyme that helps the human body absorb lactose through the small intestine is called lactase.
Among other uses, lactose is composed of 2 simple sugars that not only supply energy to humans, but also play a role in certain biological functions.
Intolerance to dairy products
Most of the time when people talk about intolerance to dairy products, they are referring to lactose intolerance. The latter is described as the human body’s reaction to lactose, a natural sugar found in milk. It is not an allergic reaction though, and the immune system is in no way affected. People who are lactose intolerant do not produce enough of the enzyme lactase, which is needed to digest lactose.
For now, lactose intolerance cannot be treated. Basically, keeping away from dairy products is this obvious first step. However, thanks to its lactose-free milk, Nutrinor provides the lactose intolerant with a quality product they can enjoy any time. Our cooperative cares about their health and produces a special milk just for them!

Benefits of lactose-free products
Thanks to Nutrinor’s lactose-free products, the lactose intolerant can drink milk and receive the same benefits as regular milk, including calcium and vitamin D, without any digestive discomfort. Lactose-free milk is the best alternative for those that love the great taste of milk but experience digestive distress.
With Nutrinor’s lactose-free products, individuals intolerant to lactose get the same essential nutriment intake as regular milk and stay free of discomfort.
Farewell ballooning! It’s simple: by drinking lactose-free products, you reduce intestinal disorders, feel better, and improve your overall quality of life.

Our lactose-free milk – Proudly Nordic
There is so much more about Nutrinor’s Organic Milk than traceability. It has the uniqueness of being produced north of the 48th parallel. Simply put, it is our land’s best milk and produced by only 15 organic farms members of the Nutrinor Cooperative.
Sustainable agriculture is behind every one of our lactose-free products!
Seeking to move forward into the future and fulfill its mission to its members, Nutrinor launched, in 2009, a sustainable development initiative accompanied by a top-tier organisation, the Quebec Centre for Sustainable Development (Centre québécois en développement durable (CQDD).
At the term of this rigorous process, Nutrinor committed to integrating sound sustainable development principles in each of its business sectors to continuously improve its environmental, social, and economic performance.
Profitable farms for its members, attractive working conditions offered by a top-rate employer, a healthy living environment, animals in good health and a region’s vitality, those are the sustainable development concepts behind every one of Nutrinor’s actions. In short, the cooperative is continuously working to make sure producers evolve in a positive and constructive framework, protect natural resources such as the land, air, and water, go out of their way to make sure their animals are always in good health, and do their share to take Saguenay—Lac-Saint-Jean, such a vast territory, to the next level.
Free-roaming cattle and then some!
“Free-roaming cattle” means cows are not tied and can freely move around inside barns. Nutrinor encourages its dairy producers to adopt this approach. Today, close to 25% of its farms, supplying the milk processed by the cooperative, have turned to free-roaming practices.
Facilities with free-roaming cattle have animals that live and behave more naturally. Doing so guarantees animal wellbeing.
And animal wellbeing also means:
- Quality fodder and water in sufficient quantities.
- A suitable, clean, and safe environment.
- Rigorous animal management and handling principles.
- Quality cares to keep livestock in good health.
- Cattle transport in the best conditions.
Milk made north of the 48th parallel
Located north of the 48th parallel, Saguenay—Lac-Saint-Jean is renowned for its Nordic bio-food products. The region’s geographical remoteness, particular weather conditions and low population density make natural and organic farming simpler. The uniqueness of Nutrinor’s Organic Milk lies in the environment it is produced in and the pasteurization technologies used. It has a longer shelf-life and tastes like no other.
The distinctive climate of northern regions is a determining factor in the processing of our products. And regardless of cutting-edge techniques, practices and knowhow, the location plays an undeniable role in the quality and uniqueness of the products we make.
Located in Alma, Nutrinor’s dairy processing plant is renowned as the most northerly in Quebec. The area’s weather conditions create a very nurturing ecosystem offering numerous benefits.
Nutrinor has nothing to hide!
100% traceable organic milk!
Did you know that you can have access to the exact origins of the Nutrinor Organic Milk you enjoy everyday? Nutrinor’s traceability tool is one and only. Thanks to the agro-processing cooperative’s innovative minds, Nutrinor is the first and only Quebec-based dairy processor to offer consumers the possibility to trace the origin of their milk using the Internet.