The owners

The Turcotte family has been operating this farm since 1957, and in 1990, Christian Turcotte took over. Currently, Christian and his godson Mathieu Gagné, both of whom are also fathers, are the two owners of the Matur Inc. farm. The Turcotte and Gagné families have five young children who, one day, will take the reins of the family farm.


For more than 30 years, they have been able to count on the help of Johanne Turcotte, who is Mathieu’s mother and Christian’s sister. Christian and Mathieu’s partners, Caroline Guay and Marie-Fleur Duchesne, also help out mainly during the summer.

The Turcotte and Gagné families want to maintain a quality of life that allows them all to have free time to pursue their activities and passions, like fishing for Mathieu, gardening for Johanne and camping for Christian.